Expedition #2

So, how did your journaling go? Did you use your journal? Did you not?

Here are a couple of mine. I used an old DayTimer type book (see above)

I hope you gave it a try. For those using a written journal, how did it go? Did you write every day? Did you stick with writing about the weather or did you write about other things? Were you happy with what you wrote? If not, did you at least find some value in the writing practice itself? Did you add found items? Did you add items to make your journal more visually pleasing? For those adding "art" and memorabilia, were you happy and/or satisfied with the result? Do you feel like your journal entry recorded a part of the life you were living on the date of entry?

If you made an attempt, congratulations! You have officially recorded a part of your life, for you... for others, if you choose. If you didn't, maybe you should give it a try. Maybe you should ask yourself why not? Either way, any answer is fine.

Expedition #2:If you did journal, you probably are tired of writing about the weather. So the topic this week is: Spilling.

This next week I'd like you to spill. Spilling is any method you prefer of quickly dumping ideas, feelings, thoughts, items... on to your page. If you are using a writing journal just write. Write quick... no editing of your thoughts or spelling... just write whatever comes to mind. If you can't think of anything, just start with... you guessed it, the weather. If you can't think of anything after that, repeat blurbs about the weather until something else comes up. Write as long as you want but try to at least write for five minutes. If you want to spill art, than scribble, dump paint, smear charcoal, quickly rip and glue magazine images... whatever. Just don't think, focus on doing, and do it quickly. The quicker the better. Fill the page... fill lots of pages. Don't think about if it is good, or pretty... just do. When you are done. Leave it. Leave it to dry... or to sit. Walk away, go to sleep... just don't read or look at what you have done. Try not to really review your work during the entire week. Just do your journaling then put it down and go about your business. Don't think about what you did in your journal. Instead, think about how you felt after you journaled. That's it. Its not about what you have spilled. Its about the spilling itself.

So spill for at least five minutes. If you are working in a written journal on one of your days I ask that you try to spill something other than words. If you are intimidated with art supplies, just doodle or grab a magazine, rip and paste (or tape) anything that catches your eye. If you are more adventuresome use markers, paints, charcoal, crayons... whatever you have. Make a mess!

Same for you Art Journalers, if you typically art journal, spill your words on one of your journal days. Fast and furious. Don't worry that you will have page(s) of scribbled writing. Don't worry about grammar, or theme, or literary prowess. None of that matters a whit! Just write. That's it. Easy peasy.

Again. Please don't judge what you are journaling. Just do it. Have fun. Make a mess. Scribble your words at high speed. Spill your art, your words, your thoughts, your feelings, your complaints, your dreams... For five or more minutes...

Come back next week and let me know how you did and what you felt about it!


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